Blockchain Security - Forta (FORT)

Enterprise blockchain security notification bots, boring businesses are sometimes best...

As the crypto market matures, one bull cycle at a time, the creation of successful projects breads the need for additional services. Forta (FORT) fits right in that category. It is a decentralized platform for security bots. Sounds boring, but blockchain security is crucial for blockchain projects and large investors. The project is a platform for developers to create and sell bots that monitor blockchains for a wide variety of security breaches. From unscrupulous transactions to downright hacks, these bots notify customers of events they need to be aware of.

What is the project?

  • Decentralized blockchain security and monitoring, aided by AI and Machine Learning

What is the product?

  • Decentralized security notification bots created by independent developers

Execution of Product(s)

  • Hundreds of active bots available and for sale, most on a monthly rental model

Market(s) & sub markets

  • Enterprise (wallets, blockchain companies, investment firms, any company worried about blockchain security)


  • 39% held for future grants & research

  • 610,000 effective supply

  • 4 yr vesting schedule, backers 50% vested

Team & Community

  • Team had solid history of execution

  • No marketing, required to hire outside marketing firm - proposals on the table

Revenue potential

  • Bots require a subscription, 100% of proceeds goes directly to the developer of the bot

  • Price points from free to hundreds of dollars

  • Used by OpenZepplin who's revenue of $5.6 million

  • Products not as broad as Chainlink

Financial partners

  • Backed by Coinbase Ventures

Risks & Downsides

  • Large investor and team token holding

  • Do investors get excited about a B2B play? - Chainlink's cult following & broader services are different

Scores & Market Cap Estimates

Comparable crypto project(s):

*This information is not intended to be financial advice for the reader.

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